
Trees are data structures made out of a root node connected to subtrees called child nodes. Trees are a type of graph.

Below is a visualization of a labeled tree.


Tree Terminology

  • Node: An object that stores data and links/pointers to child nodes.
  • Root node: The first node in a tree.
  • Edge: A link between two nodes.
  • Child node: A node pointed to by a parent node.
  • Parent node: A node that has one or more child nodes.
  • Leaf node: The last node in a path. Leaf nodes have no children.
  • Height of a node: The number of edges between that node and the furthest leaf node.
  • Depth of a node: The number of edges between that node and the root node.
  • Depth of a tree: The number of edges between the root node and the furthest leaf node.

Types of Trees

  • Binary trees: Trees where each node has less than or equal to 2 child nodes.
  • Binary search trees: A binary tree optimized for binary search. Each node’s left child has a value less than the current node, and its right child has a value greater than the current node.
  • Tries: A tree that contains characters. Useful for storing dictionaries of words.

Tree Traversal

There are three main methods for tree traversal: pre-order, in-order, and post-order traversal. The main difference between each method is when the root node is visited.

Pre-order traversal

Here, the root node is visited first, hence the name pre-order traversal.


  1. Visit the root node.
  2. Visit the left subtree.
  3. Visit the right subtree.

This recursive Python function prints a binary tree via pre-order traversal:


For the other traversal methods, we rearrange the order of the lines of code in the if statement.

In-order traversal


  1. Visit the left subtree.
  2. Visit the root node.
  3. Visit the right subtree.

Post-order traversal


  1. Visit the left subtree.
  2. Visit the right subtree.
  3. Visit the root node.

Time Complexity

Tree traversal time complexity: \(O(n)\)

More Resources

Below are some more resources to learn about trees:

Programiz - Tree Data Structure

GeeksforGeeks - Binary Tree Data Structure

YouTube - Trees by HackerRank

Written on August 1, 2021